Remedies For Muscle Pain

Muscle spasms occur when a muscle is irritated and they begin to spasm in order to protect themselves from further injury. A muscle may be used over and over for and tighten over time, but the muscle may not go into spasm until a simple movement occurs. So even the simplest task such as picking up a cup could lead to a painful muscle spasm. This can feel like tightness in the muscles of the affected area. If the initial injury is not treated the spasms will continue.

The common symptoms of stiffness, pain and swelling in joints could easily affect the surrounding muscles and give you mixed signals. Therefore , recognizing whether the pain comes from a joint or a muscle may not be an easy task for someone suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

There are also some homes remedies to relieve muscle pain. These include treatments like putting ice packs, engaging in physical aides such as wrist, wraps or back braces that tend to minimize muscle strain via helping to hold joints and bones in correct positions.

muscle pain after exercise:

1 . Amino Acids – These are very inexpensive and can be purchased at your local vitamin store for less than $ 7 for a 15 day supply.

2 . Fish Oil – Fish oil contains Omega 3 fatty acids and will reduce inflammation in the joints as well as shorten the length of your muscle pain.

3. Aspirin – This is a tried and true pain reliever. 2-4 aspirin tablets taken a few hours after a workout will help reduce DOMS.

4. Stretching – Performing a few minutes of stretching before a workout or sports activity will not only help eliminate later muscle pain but will also help prevent serious injury.

With this cause of lower back muscle pain, the reason you feel it in this region is because the lower back muscles are the ones that do the extra work when lifting and carrying things. If you had a stronger core, however , you would feel the deep abdominal muscles engage when you properly lifted items and would be able to avoid lower back muscle pain.

The best treatment protocol is to never allow the muscle pain to start but with chronic pain patients it’s rare for any patient to have effective intervention prior to the muscle pain starting. Muscle pain is generally a secondary pain originating due to guarding, shielding, and posturing due to original pain sourcing.

To reduce muscle pain you can have regular massages, use ice packs, or resting periods. There are also certain lotions and balms that provide muscle pain relief.

Natural Remedies to Reduce Muscle Pain

1 . Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night.
2 . Take a green-lipped mussel oil supplement.
3. Massage a blend of essential oils of arnica, Calendula and St John’s work into the affected painful area.
4. Eat a whole food, mineral rich diet with plenty of vegetables and whole grains.

There are many causes of joint pains making you restless and bothersome. Joint pain is not the disease itself but the symptom of mild to serious disease. Fever can be the cause of generalized joint pains. It can be caused due to sprain or ligament injury, cartilage tearing, dislocations and sports injuries such as tennis elbow and swimmers shoulder in the case of injuries with swelling and redness around the injured part.

Another way to control the pain is by simply applying ice on the affected muscle. Cold temperature can relax the muscle and make the swelling controllable. It can manage the pain quickly because the ice will reduce the inflammation of the muscle. Use cold compress method within the first 72 hours of muscle pain.

There are several herbal oils that can have a wonderful effect on muscle pains. Some of the oils that are prevalently used for muscle pain massages include castor oil and olive oil. The massage must be done by an expert, always moving the hands in the direction of the pain. The idea is to allow the muscle wastes to enter the circulatory stream of the body and then go out with the other wastes. Done properly, a single massage session should be great for muscle pain relief.


Chronic pain in the upper back that is not relieved by any of the above treatments can be a sign of a more serious condition. If this is the case, consult a doctor. You might be suffering from scoliosis (misalignment of the spine), which can be corrected surgically. If you have seriously injured your back muscles, your doctor might also try ultrasound treatments for a deep muscle massage.

What is the most popular muscle relaxant?

Some of the popular and commonly prescribed muscle relaxants are briefly described below. These are prescription drugs and are typically only used when other medications like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), have not provided sufficient pain relief from muscle spasms.


Brand names: Lioresal, Lioresal Double Strength.

Best for: Muscle spasms and tightness caused by spinal cord injuries and multiple sclerosis.

Dosage forms: Tablet, solution, suspension, packet.

Common side effects: Drowsiness, headache, nausea, vomiting, confusion, and muscle weakness.


Brand names: Soma, Vanadom.

Best for: Painful muscle and bone conditions like acute low back pain or neck pain.

Dosage forms: Tablet.

Common side effects: Drowsiness, dizziness, headache.

Note: Carisoprodol (Soma) tablet is a Schedule IV controlled substance with abuse potential (it can be habit-forming).


Brand names: Robaxin, Robaxin-750.

Best for: Painful muscle and bone conditions like back pain.

Dosage forms: Tablet, injection.

Common side effects: Dizziness, headache, blurred vision, flushing, nausea.


Brand names: Zanaflex, Comfort Pac with Tizanidine.

Best for: Muscle cramping and tightness caused by multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injury.

Dosage forms: Tablet, capsule.

Common side effects: Fatigue, dizziness, dry mouth, constipation.


Brand names: Lorzone, Remular-S, Parafon Forte DSC.

Best for: Painful musculoskeletal conditions.

Dosage forms: Tablet.

Common side effects: Dizziness, drowsiness, nausea.


Brand names: Flexeril, Amrix, Fexmid, FusePaq Tabradol.

Best for: Muscle spasms, pain, stiffness, and discomfort caused by strains and sprains.

Dosage forms: Tablet, extended-release capsule, suspension.

Common side effects: Dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, blurred vision.


Brand names: Skelaxin.

Best for: Painful bone and muscle conditions like sprains, strains, and muscle injuries.

Dosage forms: Tablet, injection.

Common side effects: Dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting.


Brand names: Norflex.

Best for: Pain, discomfort, stiffness (increased muscle tone) caused by strains, sprains, and muscle injuries, shaking or trembling in Parkinson’s disease.

Dosage forms: Extended-release tablet.

Common side effects: Dry mouth, dizziness, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, difficulty urinating.


Brand names: Dantrium.

Best for: Muscle cramps and tightness associated with conditions like multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, stroke, and spinal cord injuries.

Dosage forms: Capsule, injection.

Common side effects: Drowsiness, light sensitivity.



Back Pain | Treatment and Herbal Remedies for Back Muscle Pain

Back muscle pain is affecting the great majority of adults. It is the most common form of pain and its severity can vary depending on various factors. It is usually caused by either a muscle strain or a sprain. In most of the cases it doesn’t have serious medical consequences, but it is terribly disturbing and sometimes it can even signalize other health conditions. The muscle strain refers to the fat that somehow the muscle fibers were damaged, this producing pain. The sprain, on the other hand, occurs when the ligaments are being affected. There is over the counter medication for back muscle pain, but many people tend to avoid it, due to the side effects it might have. Those with recurring back muscle pain are not very thrilled about the perspective of taking pills for a prolonged period of time.

Back muscle pain can also be relieved with help of natural remedies. Massage, especially if it is done with Rum atone Gold oil, relaxes the muscles and eliminates the pain. This oil also has the capacity of stimulating the rebuild of cells, so the healing of an injury will come faster. Arnica oil mixed with calendula oil and St John’s Wort oil is highly effective in back muscle pain. Another remedy for topical use is capsaicin cream. Capsaicin is a natural extract from red or cayenne pepper and it is not yet clear how it succeeds in reducing the pain, but it certainly does. Some researchers state that capsaicin helps the body to release endorphins, substances that our body naturally produces for fighting pain.

Treatment for Back Pain:

1) Flyes, or modified Rows- Hold a pair of medium-sized hand-weights or dumbbells. Lean over, making your torso parallel with the floor. For a reverse flye, raise your arms up to the sides, keeping the elbows just slightly bent throughout the movement. Your goal is to squeeze the muscles between your shoulder blades.

2) Opposition Arm-Leg Raise- This simple floor exercise is to elongate the torso, lengthening your spine. This makes you feel taller. Kneel on a mat first. Raise your right arm and left leg at the same time. Focus on lengthening them as you lift them. Then do the same with the left arm and right leg. Notice that you are using the leg opposite the arm.

3) Rotational Stretches- To loosen up the muscles between your neck and lower back, you need to stretch with a gentle twist. Do these when you take a break from your desk at work, or when you stop for a rest while driving.

4) Cardio- How does this help the mid-back? Cardio, or aerobic exercise, improves blood-flow and loosens joints. It’s as simple as running an errand, or taking a brisk walk. Cardio is critical for all-over health, which carries over to back muscles.

Herbal Remedies for Back Pain:

In osteoarthritis cartilage damage allows the bones of the joint to rub each other which causes severe joint pain during the movement, this damage to the joint changes the joint configuration for worst and muscles attached to the joints get swollen and painful to further aggravate the pain. In rheumatoid arthritis the tissues of muscles are attacked by the immune system of the body which can make them painful, swollen and weak. Such muscles are unable to move the joints and cause pain. Use of herbs which are helpful in relieving pain and inflammation along with massages and exercises can alleviate the pain. Herbs like Ashwagandha, nettle leaf, devil’s claw and boswellia have been used since ages for pain relief in joint and muscles due to arthritis.

Reasons for gout arthritis is deposition of urate crystals in the tissues, tendons, muscles and ligaments which later cause infection in the synovial fluid to promote problems in the mobility of the joints. Tissues of the muscles get weak and prone to infection after deposition of urate crystals which come with blood. Tendonitis is a disease related to tendons which makes tendons swell. These swelled tendons can exert extra pressure on the muscles to promote joint pain and inflammation. Weakening of muscles due to any other infection, disease or disorder not directly linked with joint can also promote joint pain. Weak muscles get exhausted with minimum physical activity and cause joint pain, such pains can subside by treating the bigger problem. Such problems are hyper and hypothyroidism, diabetes, bursitis, fibromyalgia etc.

Know about more Back Pain Massage Oil

Any injury or trauma which has damaged a part of musculoskeletal system like nerve damage or multiple fractures can also initiate pain in muscles or joint. With the initial symptoms of swollen joints it shall be treated and if general treatments like massages and pain killing herbs and ointment are not working medical opinion shall be taken. Light exercises like yoga, aerobics and exercises in water pool helps a lot in pain relief and reduction of inflammation. These also increase endurance of joints and muscles which augurs well for smooth and pain free movement. Strenuous exercises shall be avoided during inflammation.

For Muscle Pain Rely Only on Muscle Relaxers

What would you do if someone asks your advice to deal with their muscular pain? Well in all probability you will advise him or her to talk to their doctor. Most doctors recommend something like Tramadol pain medication to their patients whenever they complain of any physical pain. They may also offer a muscle relaxant to a person suffering from a muscular injury. These relaxants are specially designed to relax the muscles and help one get rid of the pain that ails them in various parts of their body.

The market has two major muscle relaxants that are prescribed by physicians all over the world. They are the Flexeril muscle relaxer and the Soma muscle relaxer. Both of these muscle relaxers have a dedicated fan base. Both medicines are preferred by physicians and patients alike throughout the world. The medicines are known to offer a prolonged effect on the various muscular pains.

The various muscular pains occurring in the different parts of the body are easily taken care of with these relaxants. The Soma muscle relaxer is very popular. It is the go to medicine for all sorts of physical pains. The patients often state that it works like magic. Well the relaxant has been developed to offer instant relief in all sorts of physical pains.

It has come up as the preferred muscle relaxant for a number of people. This is because of the low cost and easy availability. These two factors have contributed a lot to its popularity. In fact the cost factor goes even lower when one buys the medicine at discounted prices. On the other hand the Flexeril muscle relaxer has slowly but surely been gaining its own ground. It has come up as a popular alternative to the various costly muscle relaxants. In fact , the cost is meant to fit in all sorts of budgets without causing the patients to squirm.

The medicine also works instantly with long lasting effects. It simultaneously works on relaxing the muscle and dealing with the pain. The soma muscle relaxer and the Flexeril muscle relaxer are both very safe to consume. The fact is that the medicines are prescribed by the physicians around the globe. That itself is a big testament to their quality. One does not have to say too much as in their case as the effects speak for themselves.

What are Muscle relaxants?

Muscle relaxants (also called skeletal muscle relaxants) are a diverse group of medicines that have the ability to relax or reduce tension in muscle. Some (such as baclofen, methocarbamol, Cyclobenzaprine, and tizanidine, ) work in the brain or spinal cord to block over-excited neuronal (nerve) pathways. Others (such as dantrolene and botulinum toxin) act directly on muscle. Cannabis extract is thought to have a dual effect.

Muscle relaxants treat two main conditions: spasticity (stiff, rigid muscles) caused by conditions such as cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, and stroke; or muscle spasms which are typically temporary and associated with conditions such as tension headache, low back pain, or fibromyalgia.

Only three muscle relaxants – baclofen, dantrolene, and tizanidine are FDA approved to treat spasticity; however, six (carisoprodol, chlorzoxazone, cyclobenzaprine, metaxalone, methocarbamol, and orphenadrine) are approved to treat muscle spasm.

Botulinum toxin is only approved to treat spasticity in certain muscle groups of the upper and lower limbs. Many other medications are also used to treat spasticity or muscle spasm although most are not approved for this indication.

Evidence supporting the effectiveness of skeletal muscle relaxants for muscle spasm is sparse; most trials are old and not of good quality. For this reason, skeletal muscle relaxants should only be used to treat muscle spasm if other treatments fail.

Muscular Pain And Muscle Strains: Treatment For The Pain

Finding the best way to get muscular pain relief starts with figuring out the pain cause. That means determining exactly which muscle (or group of muscles) is causing your pain and how it occurred.

It may not always be obvious. Muscle strains, ligament sprains, tendinitis, bursitis, gout, several kinds of arthritis, sciatic nerve damage, nerve pain etc. – any of these conditions can feel like musclular pain. So until you have an accurate diagnosis, you can only guess how to get muscle pain relief.

Here are some generally accepted muscular pain relief options that offer some promise once you know what your problem is.

Muscular pain usually results from one of two things:

* wear or damage as a result of overuse, inappropriate use, or repetitive motion, and
* injury resulting from participation in competitive athletics, accidents or some other form of trauma.

In either case, your health care provider is likely to suggest medications. Non-prescription muscular pain relievers would probably include one of the following.

Acetaminophen – The better known brand names for this pain reliever are Tylenol and Aspirin Free Excedrin. Acetaminophen relieves soreness and pain because it acts on the parts of the brain that process “pain messages” from elsewhere in the body.

NSAIDs – NSAID is an abbreviation for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. One of the more commonly known names in this category is ibuprofen There are many well-known over-the-counter brands, including Motrin, Aleve and Orudis KT. You can also ask your doctor to prescribe a stronger form of NSAID if your pain is severe.

Topical corticosteroids – Better known brands include Cortaid and Cortizone. These also relieve pain from certain forms of arthritis in addition to relieving muscle discomfort. Usually, they can be found in creams, lotions or sprays that are placed directly on the skin. Some of the better known brands include Aspercreme, Ben-Gay, Icy Hot and Capzasin-P.

Once again, your medical professional may suggest a prescription muscle pain reliever if your degree of pain is severe enough.

Prescription corticosteroids are another option. They’re available in pill or injection form. Corticosteroids are especially helpful where there’s swelling, redness, and allergic reactions. These require some care though because they sometimes cause side effects, including mood changes, irregular sleep, headaches and stomach problems.

Muscles in need of strengthening and repair can often benefit from physical therapy and exercise. Physical therapists work with their patients on how to build muscle strength and improve range of motion. They can also give you tips about ergonomic devices that make everyday chores safer or easier for your muscles to perform. Examples light be ergonomic chairs or kitchen knives that work more efficiently and cause less pain when you use them.

Exercise can help can provide relief from muscular pain by strengthening your muscles and improving your range of motion, which reduces your risk of re-injury.

Many people love a massage – even if they don’t have muscular pain. There’s no doubt a massage improves circulation, soothes aching muscles and helps you relax.

Acupuncture has many advocates who are convinced of it’s benefit in relieving muscular pain. Even though no one has definitively determined why acupuncture is effective, there appears to be little doubt that it can benefit some people. Some doctors think the needles may trigger certain substances in the body that give you a sense of well-being and freedom from pain. Other doctors remain skeptical and believe the benefits are mainly psychological: if you convince yourself that it works, then it will work.

What are Muscle relaxants?

Muscle relaxants (also called skeletal muscle relaxants) are a diverse group of medicines that have the ability to relax or reduce tension in muscle. Some (such as baclofen, methocarbamol, Cyclobenzaprine, and tizanidine, ) work in the brain or spinal cord to block over-excited neuronal (nerve) pathways. Others (such as dantrolene and botulinum toxin) act directly on muscle. Cannabis extract is thought to have a dual effect.

Muscle relaxants treat two main conditions: spasticity (stiff, rigid muscles) caused by conditions such as cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, and stroke; or muscle spasms which are typically temporary and associated with conditions such as tension headache, low back pain, or fibromyalgia.

Sometimes you get muscle pain from bad posture. Or you develop habitual movements (like an irregular gait) that cause your bones and muscles to work against each other. Chiropractors help you identify and correct problems. Chiropractors can also help those who have been born with an improper spinal alignment that can result in joint and muscular pain.

If your muscle pain is relatively minor, you can use some tried and true home remedies to get muscular pain relief.

Ice packs usually reduce swelling from a muscle injury or condition. You don’t need to use one of those commercial ice packs from your pharmacy – some ice cubes in a plastic bag is all you need. Even a big bag of frozen peas will do the trick. Your local pharmacy can undoubtedly supply you with a variety of braces, bandages and wraps that can be helpful.

But once again, it all begins with getting a proper diagnosis of the cause of your muscular pain in order to select the best relief option.

Muscle Pain | How To Get Muscle Pain Relief

Muscle pains behave abnormally from added actual pains, in that they accord an aciculate throbbing, amazing awareness that’s added afflictive than annihilation else. However , at the aforementioned time, these pains are the easiest to get abatement from. Pains in the joints are abundant added sever. But in any case, you charge to get beef affliction abatement anon because these pains accept an addiction to recur if not taken affliction of. Here we altercate some means in which you can get abatement from beef pains at abbreviate notice.

Common affection are:

1 . Activity of affliction while angle or moving.

2 . Constant beef aches of capricious intensities.

3. Stiffness of the muscles

4. Mild swelling


1 . Sudden shock or abrasion in the aback muscles.

2 . Assuming boundless arduous jobs

3. Arthritis due to aging

4. Osteoporosis

5. Sciatica

6. Psychological stress

7. Tuberculosis


Muscle pains unless they about-face out to be abiding and grave can be convalescent absolutely with approved medications and exercises.

1 . Approved appliance improves the claret apportionment in the anatomy and strengthens them that advice in alleviative the aback beef affliction as able-bodied as preventing it. Moreover, it controls the bodyweight that lowers the accident of any able-bodied pain.

2 . Maintaining arrect aspect while movement improves the condition.

3. Cold analysis through appliance of ice bag on the aback beef for few canicule provides abatement from the pain.

4. Avoid over strains in plan unless the affliction subsides completely. Plan can be resumed afterwards the cure at an apathetic clip as the anatomy yield time in adjusting to the exerted forces.

5. Massaging ambrosial oils of peppermint, spearmint and added excellent ancestors herbs absolute menthol are benign in this treatment. Rumatone Gold oil is actual acceptable herbal beating oil to amusement beef pain. Beating consistently with Rumatone Gold beating oil for able results.

6. The capacity of amber roots arrest the assembly of prostaglandins and leukotrienes, which are amenable for the affliction and inflammation. Taking delicate amber basis consistently helps in abbreviation the aback beef pain.

Herbal Oil Massages: There are several herbal oils that can accept an admirable aftereffect on beef pains. Some of the oils that are prevalently acclimated for beef affliction massages cover brush oil and olive oil. The beating have to be done by an expert, consistently affective the easily in the administration of the pain. The abstraction is to acquiesce the beef wastes to access the circulatory beck of the physique and again go out with the added wastes. Done properly, an individual beating affair should be abundant for beef affliction relief.

Specific contest advised to access beef backbone and adaptability may be assigned by a doctor or concrete therapist. A advance of concrete analysis will aswell brainwash patients on the accent of employing ergonomic tools, such as bedlam chairs and even bluff kitchen knives, in adjustment to abate beef strain. A therapist will aswell advise able methods of walking, sitting, appropriation and assuming repetitive movement that will anticipate approaching problems.

There are abounding affliction abatement gel articles available. However , abounding of them are presented as a contemporary analgesic and alone action acting abatement on the a lot of top band of your tissue. The two altered types either accommodate capsaicin or Menthol. Capsaicin based analgesics action a balmy to hot activity on the skin. Abounding orthopedic doctors do not acclaim application calefaction for deepening and affliction relief.

The added is menthol based which gives an abatement air-conditioned abating feeling. Affliction abatement gels that are formulated with alleviative herbs to aid in the affliction abating and supply of the gel into the tissue are the best. These gels are added cher but the end after-effects can be noticed over added civic name cast analgesics. Affliction gels with alleviative herbs can accord you abatement abundant faster than a lot of collective supplements and safer than over the adverse affliction relievers that can could cause abdomen and alarmist problems with abiding use.

Is Alinia an Antibiotic ?

What Is Alinia?

Alinia (nitazoxanide) is an antiprotozoal agent used to treat diarrhea in adults and children caused by the protozoa Giardia lamblia, or the protozoa Cryptosporidium parvum.

These protozoa are sometimes the cause of travelers’ diarrhea. Alinia is generally well tolerated when taken as directed.

What Are Side Effects of Alinia?

Side effects of Alinia are uncommon and may include:

  • abdominal pain,
  • nausea,
  • diarrhea,
  • vomiting, or
  • headache.

Serious allergic reactions to Alinia are unlikely, but seek immediate medical attention if you have rash, itching, swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat), severe dizziness, or trouble breathing.

Dosage for Alinia

Doses of Alinia vary according to age. Alinia is taken every 12 hours with food for 3 days. For patients age 1-3 years, 5 mL of Alinia for Oral Suspension (100 mg); patients age 4-11 years, 10 mL of Alinia for Oral Suspension (200 mg); adults and children over 12 years, 1 Alinia Tablet (500 mg) or 25 mL of Alinia for Oral Suspension (500 mg).

What Drugs, Substances, or Supplements Interact with Alinia?

Many drugs may affect the way that Alinia is metabolized in the body, leading to higher or lower than expected levels of the medication in the blood. Talk to your doctor before taking other prescription or over-the-counter medications including vitamins, minerals, and herbal products during treatment with Alinia.

Alinia During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Tell your doctor if you are pregnant before using Alinia. It is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk. Consult your doctor before breastfeeding.

Additional Information

Our Alinia (nitazoxanide) Side Effects Drug Center provides a comprehensive view of available drug information on the potential side effects when taking this medication.

This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

Get emergency medical help if you have signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficult breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.

Common side effects may include:

  • nausea, stomach pain;
  • headache; or
  • discolored urine.

This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

What is nitazoxanide (Alinia)?


Nitazoxanide is an antiprotozoal medicine that treats infections caused by protozoa (single-cell parasites that live in moist places such as lakes, streams, and soil).

Nitazoxanide is used to treat diarrhea caused by Giardia or Cryptosporidium. These conditions are sometimes called “Traveler’s diarrhea.” Nitazoxanide is used in adults and children who are at least 1 year old.

Nitazoxanide may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.


What are the possible side effects of nitazoxanide (Alinia)?


Get emergency medical help if you have signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficult breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.

Common side effects may include:

  • nausea, stomach pain;
  • headache; or
  • discolored urine.

This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.


What is the most important information I should know about nitazoxanide (Alinia)?


Follow all directions on your medicine label and package. Tell each of your healthcare providers about all your medical conditions, allergies, and all medicines you use.

What should I discuss with my healthcare provider before taking nitazoxanide (Alinia)?


You should not use nitazoxanide if you are allergic to it.

To make sure nitazoxanide is safe for you, tell your doctor if you have:

  • liver or kidney disease;
  • HIV or AIDS; or
  • a weak immune system.

The tablet form of this medicine should not be given to a child younger than 12 years old. Children ages 1 to 11 years should use only the oral suspension (liquid) form of nitazoxanide.

Nitazoxanide is not expected to be harmful to an unborn baby. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant.

It is not known whether nitazoxanide passes into breast milk or if it could harm a nursing baby. Tell your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby.


How should I take nitazoxanide (Alinia)?


Follow all directions on your prescription label. Do not take this medicine in larger or smaller amounts or for longer than recommended.

Take nitazoxanide with food.

Nitazoxanide is usually taken once every 12 hours for 3 days. Follow your doctor’s dosing instructions very carefully.

Shake the oral suspension (liquid) well just before you measure a dose. Measure liquid medicine with the dosing syringe provided, or with a special dose-measuring spoon or medicine cup. If you do not have a dose-measuring device, ask your pharmacist for one.

Store at room temperature away from moisture and heat. Keep the bottle tightly closed when not in use. Throw away any unused liquid after 7 days.

Alinia Patient Information including If I Miss a Dose


What happens if I miss a dose (Alinia)?


Take the missed dose as soon as you remember. Skip the missed dose if it is almost time for your next scheduled dose. Do not take extra medicine to make up the missed dose.


What happens if I overdose (Alinia)?


Seek emergency medical attention or call the Poison Help line at 1-800-222-1222.


What should I avoid while taking nitazoxanide (Alinia)?


Follow your doctor’s instructions about any restrictions on food, beverages, or activity.


What other drugs will affect nitazoxanide (Alinia)?


Other drugs may interact with nitazoxanide, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products. Tell each of your health care providers about all medicines you use now and any medicine you start or stop using.


Where can I get more information (Alinia)?


Your pharmacist can provide more information about nitazoxanide.